hadean, earth formation, sun, space, eras Dylan Wilmeth hadean, earth formation, sun, space, eras Dylan Wilmeth

4: The Cradle of Stardust

We finally start the tale of Earth’s history from the beginning, in the cold depths of outer space. The Sun is born and the first asteroids assemble. When these asteroids crash into Earth today, they provide time capsules from the beginning of the solar system.

Extra credit: look for the Orion Nebula in the night sky, or go meteorite hunting with a friend.

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eoarchean, atmosphere, space, sun Dylan Wilmeth eoarchean, atmosphere, space, sun Dylan Wilmeth

28: The Dark Side of the Sun

How has the Sun changed over the past 4 billion years?

While the Sun may seem unalterable, it has brightened dramatically over Earth's history, with major implications for our world. Today, we'll meet a team of women who catalogued thousands of stars in the 1800s, play in a galactic ball pit, and puzzle over a cosmic paradox alongside Carl Sagan.

Extra Credit: Watch Cosmos (1980)

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eoarchean, atmosphere, space, sun Dylan Wilmeth eoarchean, atmosphere, space, sun Dylan Wilmeth

29: The Goldilocks Planet

If the sun was dimmer 4 billion years ago, how did the Earth stay warm?

Today, we learn how just a small percent of Earth's atmosphere goes a long way in controlling global climate, both today and in the ancient past. Along the way, we'll visit an imaginary frozen Earth without any sun, a hazy giant moon of Saturn, and learn exactly what the greenhouse effect is.

Extra credit: Visit a greenhouse, or find a cleaning product with ammonia.

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