Dr. Nadja Drabon: Earth’s Baby Photos

My guest today is Dr. Nadja Drabon, a new professor at Harvard University. Dr. Drabon talks about her new discoveries of zircon crystals from South Africa that are more than 4 billion years old, some of the oldest fragments of Earth. Together, we learn just how much we don't know about Earth's earliest days, and what her discoveries can teach us about our planet's ancient secrets. We also talk about her field location in South Africa: the Barberton Greenstone Belt, a new UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Dr. Drabon's website: https://drabon.eps.harvard.edu

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Miniseries: The Oldest Rocks in Africa

Miniseries Episode 3

Africa is a continent with many different nations and rocks. Today, we learn how most of Africa was fused together billions of years ago, and which pockets preserve the best evidence for ancient life (South Africa, Zimbabwe). Along the way, we'll meet the richest human in history, a giant knife made from magma, and a two-billion-year family reunion.

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